
This is a byf for my spam account, @kii_boob. Please read through all of it before requesting.

My name is Mace and I'm panromantic, demisexual (probably Ace tbh), polyamorous, and genderfluid (but want to transition to a male body). I don't have a set kind of pronoun for me since I don't care, if I need a specific kind for the day I'll say so.

I do have depression, ADHD, and bipolar disorder and I'm very physically weak due to genetic diseases so please be thoughtful about these kinds of things.



Kai, Kiibo, Mikaze Ai, Shouto Todoroki, Sonoda Umi,


Asuramaru, IA, Ichinose Tokiya, Mari Ohara, Nagito Komaeda, Sayaka Maizono, Teddie
Yusuke Kitagawa

Selfhoods are core parts of my identity, and my kins are just a strong part. I have no weak kins, only questioning kins.

A lot of these characters I am uncomfortable with doubles, please ask me about any you're worried about! I don't block people over this kind of thing but depending on the character I will get very uncomfortable.

I'm also sylphkin and valkyriekin.

Constance Von Nuvelle, Minato Yukina, Mitama Yakumo, Yu Nishinoya

These are all kins that I'm questioning, and until I figure it out I have no idea if I really do kin them or not. Some of these characters I've been considering for a very long time, and from what I've seen the more I wait the stronger the kin gets.

These are all my comforts for each character, some of whom I have already found. If I found them I'll mark them, I love all these comforts so much. They mean a lot to me and left such lasting impressions so it'd be wonderful to be able to find everyone.

Selfhoods are marked with a *

Asuramaru- Krul Tepes-Yuichiro Hyakuya
^- Kiseki-O- Gekkoin
IA- Hatsune Miku- Yowane Haku
^- ONE- Futari
Ichinose Tokiya- Ittoki Otoya- Nanami Haruka
^- Hijirikawa Masato 
(*) Kai- Lloyd Garmadon (Found)- The ninja
^- Nya- Skylor
(*) Kiibo- Shuichi Saihara- Kokichi Ouma
^- Miu Iruma 
Mari Ohara- Dia Kurosawa- Kanan Matsuura
^- You Watanabe- Yoshiko Tsushima
(*) Mikaze Ai- Quartet Night- Kurusu Syo
^- Shinomiya Natsuki 
Nagito Komaeda- Hajime Hinata- Chiaki Nanami
(*) Shoto Todoroki- Izuku Midoriya- Fuyumi Todoroki
^- Momo Yaoyorozu- Inasa Yoarashi
(*) Sonoda Umi- Kotori Minami- Honoka Kousaka
^- Nozomi Tojo- Maki Nishikino
Teddie- The Investigation Team- Yousuke's Parents
Yusuke Kitagawa- Akira Ren- The Phantom Thieves

Now this is my avoid list. It's a lot smaller but unless I know you changed I'm going to be much more wary. These characters left impressions on me too but in the wrong way, so I don't want to find them at all.

Selfhoods are marked with a *

Ichinose Tokiya- Otori Eiichii 
(*) Kiibo-Tsumugi Shirogane- Angie Yonaga
Nagito Komaeda- Junko Enoshima 
(*) Shoto Todoroki- Enji Todoroki 

These are a few of my strong memories from each canon. I only got the idea to actually write this stuff down recently so I'll be adding to it frequently as I think back and re-remember everything, so check back here often. If our canons seem to match up PLEASE tell me ASAP!

Selfhoods are marked with a *

Wanted to protect Krul from all evilsCould contact the other demons in the same team, leading to all three of us bondingMade fun of Yu regularly since he was kinda dumb

Dated MikuHad a good sibling relationship with ONEFutari was a good best friend, even if she was nosyTook singing and dancing very seriously, didn't bond with too many people until I was well-adjustedHaku was like a mother to meMiku was the most dramatic out of all of us, which exhausted some people who preferred more calm things and overexcited others who would go off the rails. There was a small number of us who could handle her neutrally.

Ichinose Tokiya
Dated OtoyaSang all solos to Otoya regularly as lullabiesNanami was the closest I had to a best friend, she helped me let go of my pastMasato and I got along very well(TRIGGER WARNING) Otoya was r*ped by Eiichii when making their duet, it broke him and I had to find him before he killed himself in the sunflower field. I was alone and I confessed there. Took him to a hospital and after he recovered we talkedVenus was made shortly after our relationship began, and we filled it with all the passion that we missed out on before datingWrote up the entire song Canon when I realized I had a new family as my friendsTried to sing other songs that weren't mine, especially Orion de SHOUT OUT, but I felt insecure singing all of them except Waiting For A Chance To PounceStarish had a really big sleepover bonding night one time and we ended up completely falling asleep on each other. Tomochika took pictures and refused to delete themStand Up Soul came to me when I realized that I was a completely new person from when I enrolled at Saotome. All my stress was fading away and I was happy, so writing an empowering song was how I celebrated

(*) Kai
Dated the ninja, Lloyd was an exclusiveSkylor was the bestest best friend and was helpful in me figuring out all my problemsNya blackmailed me constantlyLloyd and I often stargazed on the Bounty, either saying nothing at all or having endless conversations about nothingGot along super well with Zane, our contrasting everything helped us each discover our weaknesses and let us work on themI am really bad at giving things like the sex talkUsed to go up to the deck of the Bounty regularly and stargaze, usually when I had a lot on my mind. Sometimes Lloyd kept me company

(*) Kiibo
Dated Saihara and OumaIruma teased me a lot but she was still my best friend, she felt secure around meAngie manipulated me too much to want to be near herTsumugi kept asking me weird questions, she made me uncomfortable and it all only made sense in trial 6I imitated the actions of some of the people I looked up to, such as Kaede, in order to try to understand their motivations and emotions since I had difficulties processing them.

Mari Ohara
Dated Dia and KananYou and Yoshiko supported me through everything, they were close friendsAqours lifted me during practice when I hurt my ankle again, that told me I was supported by the most perfect friendsPeople went to me when they needed something done, since I had the experience to get all the paperwork filled and the power to see it through. I was usually only needed when things had to be done perfectly or if there was no other option.

(*) Mikaze Ai
Could not contact Aine, only give brainwavesDated Reiji, Ranmaru, and CamusSyo and Natsuki were my best friendsHad a fear of the ocean, but got over it with ReijiKnew the exact moments when Reiji, Ranmaru, and Camus fell in love with me but I refused to act on it, it was their problem not mineSang various songs like Aspiration, Never, Not Bad, Hibikase and Glide in a cover album, and with practice I got really good at imitating the types of singing voices others hadSang Innocent Wind while being pulled toward the ocean by instinct during a dark time, nearly drowned when jumping off a cliffWhen either figuring out the lyrics or recording a PV for Fiction, Reiji and I sorted out all the Aine bullshitRecording Force Live was both a nightmare and a dream, it was at the beginning of our poly relationship and we were still learning how to act in relationships. Camus and Ranmaru fought like before but now it was more personal and Reiji and I were still holding all our secrets back, but by the end of recording we settled and agreed to fix things, and felt much more comfortable with each other by the end of it allSyo, Natsuki, and I used to spend some nights styling each others' hair like in sleepovers. Sometimes we'd play a movie and have (somewhat) healthy snacks to go withPlaying games with Ren was fun but he teased me a lotReiji had the best body to sleep on, he was soft and warm. I was incredibly touch-starved so when I was exhausted I would lean on him and he'd make sure I was comfortable. Camus and Ranmaru did it too, but Camus was best for when I was overheated and Ranmaru was who I went to went I was emotionally pent-up and needed an outlet.Camus showed me his ice magic on accident, it appeared when we worked on Tsukiakari no Dearest and he was ashamed that it showed up. It ended up being useful since we recorded in a heatwave and I needed an easy way to cool my systems.Ranmaru cried a lot when writing and singing Be Proud

Nagito Komaeda
Dated Hajime, either was best friends, friends with benefits, or also kinda dated Chiaki (I have no idea, just that we were super close)Eventually got over most of the hope thing with LOTS of therapyJunko's individual brainwashing started with me, since I was the most observant to changes with my classmates

Sayaka Maizono
Leon was a bitch, he was a little bit more tolerable after he learned to stop trying to get with every girl howeverCelestia and Kirigiri were good company, they understood the struggles of my career and supported meMakoto was my best friend, not during the game thoughOne of my idol group girls was named Kasane

(*) Shoto Todoroki
Dated IzukuNever recovered relationship with Endeavor, don't ever really want toGot along really well with Tokoyami and rekindled good friendship with YorashiMomo was my best friend and I helped her get together with JirouI didn't learn how to process real emotions until after I met 1A, since they taught me friendshipI needed help with a counselor for controlling my anger, it tended to explode and I would use too much force on villainsI had unresolved sexual tension with Bakugou since we competed with each other so often

(*) Sonoda Umi
Dated KotoriHonoka was the oblivious third wheel but we loved her anywayNozomi and Maki were good companyKotori gave me origami regularly

Really loved the Investigation TeamEither I just adored everyone so much or there was a complicated polyamorus web between the entire ITWent back home regularly to think and have time to myself, after I started doing that weekly I matured a lot fasterNanako was basically like a little sister to meI owe everything to Yosuke's parents, they took me in without question and even got me documents so I could legally live with themEventually I went to school, I had to take online classes so nobody would question my age but I went to college properlyI learned how to exploit my own biology and was able to shapeshift, it wasn't easy though and I still preferred my usual form

Yusuke Kitagawa
Dated AkiraVery close to FutabaHad a good relationship with the rest of the thieves, including AkechiThe thing with Ann was very misunderstood, I was never attracted to her and just appreciated her artistic potential

Well if you got to this point and there aren't any issues then you're free to follow me! I shouldn't have to go over the basic dfi criteria so I won't, I'm not on bad terms with anyone and I'm pretty optimistic about you being a good person.

If you read the whole thing then you can dm me a picture of nature to follow me, if you don't then I can't guarantee anything unless there's a specific situation.

Have a nice day!